IIFE as a way to avoid mutation

Out of var, let and const you should have chosen to only use const at this point since it is immutable (with some exceptions when it comes to objects). So this is the way to go:

const status = "ok";

However sometimes you might want to assign a value based on a condition like

const status = isOk ? "ok" : "failed";

Fair enough. But if you want more complex conditions that are not binary and are not a straight forward mapping of values you might get tempted to do horrible things like this:

let theTemptationMakeYouCheat = "ok";

if (thisOrThat) {
  theTemptationMakeYouCheat = "failed";

if (thatOrThis || time > 100) {
  // just making things up to make a point
  theTemptationMakeYouCheat = "pending";


One way to go if you are lazy is to use iife to immediately calculate the result:

const status = (() => {
  if (isOk) {
    return "ok";

  if (isPending) {
    return "pending";

  return "failed";